One of the goals of this web site is to make it easier for our customers to do their
job. In addition to our frequently asked question (FAQ) page and specifications page, you may find these links helpful.
If you have suggestions for added reference links, please send us an E-mail.
ASTM International, also known as American Society for Testing and Materials, was formed over 100 years ago, is one of the
world's largest voluntary standards organizations.
Wikipedia is a multingual, web-based free
content encyclopedia project.
Online measurement conversion tool includes common units of measure.
Online dictionary search with over 6,200,000 words and over 900 dictionaries indexed.
The Society of Automotive Engineers has more than 84,000 members in more than 97 countries. Over 7000 voluntary members of
SAE International maintain over 8300 technical standards and related documents.
Stage-Gate Inc. provides products and services to help companies improve their new product development initiatives.